The review consists of three parts: the precise structure of the photosynthetic apparatus and reaction mechanisms of photosynthesis, the regulation mechanisms of photosynthesis and environmental stress, and the application of mechanistic knowledge of photosynthesis and Green Revolution. 这篇评论由光合机构的精细结构与光合作用的反应机理、光合作用的调节机制与环境胁迫和光合机理知识的应用与绿色革命三部分组成。
Oxygen-evolving photosynthetic organisms contain two types of photosynthetic reaction center, called photosystem ⅰ( PS ⅰ) and photosystem ⅱ ( PS ⅱ). The PS ⅱ reaction center uses water as a source of electrons, light energy being used to oxidize water to provide protons and oxygen. 光合放氧生物包括光系统Ⅰ(PSⅠ)和光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)两种类型反应中心,光系统Ⅱ反应中心能以水作为电子给体,利用光能氧化水产生质子和氧气。
The Photochemical Change in Photosynthetic Reaction Center of Purple Bacterium with Pheophytin Substitution 紫细菌光合反应中心中细菌脱镁叶绿素被置换后的光化学活性
All the above showed that the light energy conversion efficiency, potential activity of photosynthetic reaction center and the non-photochemical dissipation of excess light energy, which resisted the damage on photosynthetic apparatus of environmental stress, were improved. 表明外源NO处理一方面提高了光能转换效率和PSⅡ的潜在活性,另一方面增强了过剩光能的非化学耗散,有利于保护光合机构免受环境胁迫的伤害。
Progress in research on artificial photosynthetic reaction centre 人工光合作用反应中心的研究进展
However for Pittosporum tobira, low night temperature and light energy did not increase the extent of PQ reduction and block photosynthetic electron transport, the absorbed light energy of leaf was dissipated by photochemistry and heat, so the excess energy of PS ⅱ reaction centers was slight. 而低夜温后光照并未导致海桐叶片PQ还原程度增加与光合电子传递速率受阻,叶片吸收光能主要分配于光化学反应和热耗散,未引起PSⅡ反应中心的过剩激发能增加。
Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of the Stomatal States of Rice Leaf Sections in Photosynthetic Reaction Medium 水稻叶切片在光合反应液中气孔状态的扫描电镜观察
The Ultrafast Energy Transfer Process in Purple Bacteria Photosynthetic Reaction Center 紫细菌反应中心中的超快能量传递过程
The present paper reviewed the dynamic changes in thylakoid membranes during photosynthetic energy conversion, the regulation of ATP/ NADPH ratio, the responses of primary reaction to changing light conditions, and the coordination between photosynthetic energy conversion and CO2 assimilation. 本文主要综述了光合能量转换过程中类囊体膜的动态结构变化、同化力组分调节、光合作用原初反应对光照变化的响应及能量转换反应与二氧化碳同化过程的配合等。
Low temperature in winter limited photosynthetic carbohydrate metabolism and photochemical reaction caused low photosynthesis. 光合碳代谢和光化学反应受低温限制是冬季光合作用较低的重要原因。
The Theoretical Studies on the Machanism of the Primary Electron Transfer in the Mutant Photosynthetic Reaction Center 细菌光合反应中心突变体原初电子转移机理的理论研究
Effect of cerium ( Ce3+) on photosynthesis rate, photosynthetic pigments content and Hill reaction activity in soybean seedlings exposed to two levels of ultraviolet-B radiation ( UV-B, 280~ 320 nm) was studied with hydroponics under laboratory conditions. 用水培法研究Ce(Ⅲ)对紫外辐射(UV-B,280 ̄320nm)胁迫下油菜幼苗光合色素含量与希尔反应活性变化对光合作用的影响。
When plants absorb more light than that can be used for photosynthesis, the excess energy, which is not promptly quenched, can reduce the photosynthetic efficiency and result in photoinhibition, even photooxidative damage to the photosynthetic reaction center. 然而,大多数情况下植物接受的能量要超过其所能转化的能量,如果过量的光能不及时耗散掉,光合功能会降低,导致光合作用的光抑制,甚至出现光氧化、光破坏。
Chlorophyll ( Chl) is the main component of the photosynthetic pigments. Chl molecules universally exist in photosynthetic organisms and perform essential processes of harvesting light energy in the antenna systems and by driving electron transfer in the reaction centers. 叶绿素(Chl)是光合色素的主要成分,它广泛存在于光合生物体中,在天线系统中捕获光能,并驱动电子转移到反应中心。
Through the research we found that non-aqueous phase media system have their advantages compare with water phase system, photosynthetic bacteria in which needed to maintain catalytic activity and stability, the reaction selectivity and product yield has obviously improved. 通过研究发现,非水相介质体系摒弃了水相反应中的不利因素,光合细菌能够在其中维持所需的催化活性,并且稳定性、反应选择性和产物产率都有明显的提高。
Photosynthetic regulation is also a hot pot in cyanobacteria gene engineering, apcF is a important subunit in light reaction center. 光合调控也是蓝藻基因工程的一个热点,apcF是光反应中心重要亚基。